- Ethics
- “Rank Offense: The Ecological Theory of Resentment,” Mind, forthcoming
- “Anger: Scary Good,” The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2019
- “Responsibility and the Shallow Self,” Philosophical Studies, 2018
- Applied Ethics
- “The Irrelevance of Data to the Ethics of Infant Intersex Surgery,” (with Elizabeth Reis), Journal of Pediatric Ethics, forthcoming
- “Understanding Autonomy: An Urgent Intervention,” Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 2020
- “Rehabilitating Blame,” in Ethics and Error in Medicine, eds. Fritz Allhoff and Sandra Borden (Routledge, 2019)
- ‘“What’s in a name?’: The University of Oregon, De-Naming Controversies, and the Ethics of Public Memory” (With Matthew Dennis), Oregon Historical Quarterly, 2019
- “What ‘Just Culture’ Doesn’t Understand About Just Punishment,” Journal of Medical Ethics, 2018
- “Gun Violence, Shame, and Social Change,” (With Nancy Berlinger), Hastings Center Bioethics Forum, 2018
- “Freezing Eggs and Creating Patients: Moral Risks of Commercialized Fertility,” (with Elizabeth Reis), The Hastings Center Report, 2017
- “Are Pediatricians to Blame for Unnecessary Genital Surgeries?” (with Elizabeth Reis),American Medical AssociationJournal of Ethics, 2017
- Reviews
- The Limits of Free Will by Paul Russell, Journal of Moral Philosophy, forthcoming
- Rethinking Health Care Ethics by Stephen Scher and Kasia Kozlowska, Monash Bioethics Review, 2020